I am proud and pleased to announce that I have just published my first Kindle ebook to the Amazon site. An addendum to my Charlie Small series of books, still very much available from Penguin Random House, Jakeman's Marvellous Mechanimals brings all the crazy and wonderful mechanical animals invented by Charlie's friend William Jakeman, together for the first time. There is the Steam-powered Rhino, the Sensational Clockwork Swamp Hopper, the Hydroelectric Attack Shark, and many more. Take a look – it's available at the ridiculously low price of £3.99!
Go to: www.amazon.co.uk/s/ref=nb_sb_ss_i_2_9?url=search-alias%3Daps&field-keywords=jakeman's+marvellous+mechanimals&sprefix=Jakeman's%2Caps%2C234&crid=6O5GQD4OON2R